Wednesday, June 22, 2011

HOTTEST LOGO EVER2 versus Project Mayhem Part 2

sorry for that technical difficulty..

so, Project Mayhem sends in a beastman to pick up the balll

He picks it up!!  Hurray #8 !!!  Next, a Chaos Warrior sets his sights on Ballgaliel, the thrower...  [attacker down] or [both down]  Ballgaliel forces the big load to use a RR, and the Warrior gets [defender down] stunning the elf thrower.. but at least ol' Ballgaliel cost them their second to last RR!  Project knocks down one more elf and their turn ends:


Well, here's what Jackal's beleaguered were up against... with five players standing and one stunned and no more RR,  can they hold them out of the endzone for one more turn?

Dehander, the HOTTEST's blodger knocks down a Chaos Warrior...  Vierwrath follows suit, KO'ing a beastman.. 

WAIT.. WHAT THE FUG???  WHAT HAS HAPPENED!?!?  JACKAL HAS MISCLICKED AND ENDED HIS TURN BEFORE EVEN TRYING A BLITZ... OH NO, THE HORROR...  Jackal's monitor is barely spared an untimely death.  I really want to fly to France cuntpunch those fucking assholes for having the end turn button at the top of the screen instead off to the side... also, there should be a ARE YOU SURE YOU WANNA END YOUR TURN OPTIONAL BUTTON... GODDAMN FROGS.   I'm not saying I had any kind of "sure thing" set up for my attack on the ball carrier, but it's the worst way to end a turn.  

Malchodon has one last turn to score.. lots of players, and one RR...  but his ballcarrier can only move 6spaces, so it's gonna take some gfi or some handoff action.

Coach M starts out with two pushes, clearing a left side push ...

Coach M. blitzes the beastman, Robert Palson, at Vierwrath OuttaMyTree, the WarDancer.. [attacker down] [both down] by Palson doesn't have block!!  Project Mayhem spends their last RR...  and gets a push, but Vierwrath has      side-step... ah oh!!

Project is in a pickle!!

As the clock runs out on turn 8 the beastman tries to dodge past Dehandar... but to no avail... check out this action shot!!

I think his horns got stuck in the dirt when he landed!

Well, needless to say, Jackal's tantrum about the foolish positioning of the end turn button has been quieted.. he is stunned into silence at his fortune... he has held back the enemy.   What will he do now on his 8th turn?

I'll tell you what he'll do.. not one damn thing.... why fuss with Nuffle...  one failed dodge or block and he might lose a player.  Well, okay, why not try one block with the loner..  push. Okay.  This time Jackal intentionally click the end turn button.  

The first half is over..  score 0 - 0  with THE HOTTEST receiving in the second half

The KO'd beastman with Mighty Blow regains his concsiousness, but so do the two KO'd elves!!

This means they HOTTEST will be fielding a whole 9 players!!  Minus a WarDancer and Catcher who are both injured.  Sure could use BOTH of those players on offense.  Oh well. 

the kickoff resultS in a riot as the two groups of fans are both frenzied with anger and blame.  Sure would have preferred a pitch invasion seeing as HOTTEST had the +1FAME roll.


Jackal sets up to block the two Chaos Warriors on the line of scrimmage, a WarDancer on one Warrior and Dehandar, with Block, on the other both with two players assisting.  And he puts the poor loner lineman face to snout with Mayhem's Mino... yuck.  Ethedon, the kickoff return specialist with sure hands sets up deep.

The kick is deep and along the right flank, right on the sideline!!  Both the WarDancer and Dehandar succeed in knocking their opponents to the ground, but nothing more.  Jackal orders DoorKnocker to run back toward the ball.
They try another foul on the downed Chaos Warrior with Jump Up and Mighty Blow and succeed in getting a stun, and not getting caught.  The elves are gathering around the Mino now... here come Nimgros with only dodge as a skill to attempt a blitz!!  He knocks the beast down!  But again that's it.  The Chaos armor holds firm.   The kickoff specialist makes his move, succeeding in picking up the ball and moving it back and away from the dreaded sideline.  The Mino and the two Chaos Warriors are all on their backs.. with the Jump Up/Mighty Blow Warrior stunned from a foul.  Not a bad start to the second half. 


Malchodon sends a Chaos Warrior into the HOTTEST's backfield as far as he go.  He stands up another and the dreaded Mino passes his Wild Animal rolls and gets to its feet... I mean hooves.  One blitz is survived by a dodging Dehandar.

Here's what it looks like for Jackal.  He's outnumbered, but has plenty of time to score. 

Jackal sends DoorKnocker down the right flank... and then, WHAT??  He blitzes with Ethedon, the return specialist... predictably, Ethedon gets [both down] [both down] and is forced to RR.. but at least he makes his second attempt.. stunning Robert Palson.    Vierwrath stuns the Chaos Warrior that had only just stood up and Jackal orders Nimgros to run deep up the right side.  Another attempt at a block only gets a push.  This is not exactly a well defended  ball carrier, Jackal... what the hell were you thinking.. i mean drinking.

With a few extra dodging players.. at least there's some semblance of protection now.  

Mayhem starts off by stunning the poor loner freebooter and sending a player deep to cover Nimgros.  Here comes the Blitz!!  The beastman rams his horns into the ballcarrier's chest.. Stunning him, but with his last gasp, Ethedon uses his ball handling skills to fumble the ball into DoorKnocker's outstretched hands.. the HOTTEST have retained the ball!!

Here's what it looks like for the HOTTEST... not exactly the most preferered elven layout...  

Leapin' Lizards! Jackal sends Vierwrath on another adventure.. dodging and leaping a blitzing.. She burned a RR leaping out of traffic, but passed the dodge and succeeded in pushing a beastman off of Nimgros... 


YEA, soooooooo.. now what?  Just have DoorKnocker throw it to the open Nimgros?  Well, it's a long pass and he's in TWO tackle zones and we don't have a RR left for this turn because of Vierwrath's failed leap.. but LET 'ER RIP.

DoorNob.. i mean Knocker did alright,he needed a (+3)he rolled a four, but with a -1 for Long Pass and -2 for TZ he fumbled the ball. A five would have been a scattered pass/punt...and a six would have been a touchdown... ah well.  Instead its:  Turn over.   There the ball sits, right in front of the Big Guy with two of the HOTTEST's players, one a WarDancer... entirely overcommitted downfield.  Not good.


Project spent this turn just banging the elves around and gathering around the ball.  The Mino failed it's WA roll.


Here's what Jackal was looking at:

Three elves standing.. two of them ridiculously out of position. Yuck.

Okay, so now we've got some standing and Nimgros has repositioned to allow Vierwrath a two dice block. Push. 

Here comes the blitz by the blodger Dehandar.. it's a once dicer  !!  And it's a KO!

Interesting choice there not to knock the KO'd player onto to the ball, but still.  And here goes the rookie Sand Man up against the Mino!!  It's two dice against and the poor chap doesn't even have skill... hell, he doesn't even have a single SPP yet...   Oh NO!  Not good.  What's that?  Jackal is gonna burn the team's last RR on a two dice against block?   Put down the crack pipe, Jackhole.  But it works!!  The rookie pushes the snortin' beast back!!  


One of the Chaos Warriors decides to start clearing out some room around the ball and sets his sights on Ethedon... who has no dodge, block or wrestle.. obvious choice... WHAT'S THIS..  [attacker down]  [attacker down]

and then the re roll



Jackal cannot believe his fortune... perhaps all is not lost..  perhaps there is a slight possibility for a score even.  The teams are even at 9 vs. 9 now.  Still the ball is still well covered and he has no RR left.  He is also well aware that Nuffle loves nothing more than to GIVE hope only to YANK it away.  Jackal orders Ethedon of the Sure Hands to dodge out... dodge BACK in to the ball, PICK IT UP, and dodge back in..   SUCCESS!!!!!  

All he needs now is a pass completion and the HOTTEST can score!!  C'mon Ethedon!!   Well, at least he didn't fumbled it, but it didn't hit its mark.  Turn over.

SOOOO CLOSE.. but at least the ball is in MAYHEM territory. 

(this pic was taken after Malch had already moves that Chaos Warrior ... before the WarDancer was wide open)


After pushing and blocking the elves at midfield, Malchodon blitzed a beastman at Nimgros!! OH SHIT..  Smashed knee!!   Get the doc out there... whew.. cured him.  That's a pic of Nigros running off the field.

Now the the other beastman has picked up the ball!  This could be trouble.. they've got lots of RR left!


Oh c'mon Jackal.. don't fold now.. maybe Nuffle is wanting to crush Malchodon's will to live and not yours. Jackal surveys the field... 

Well, I'll be dammed... the obvious choice was to blitz the WarDancer down behind the ball carrier, she's got strip ball, but Jackal had other plans and after pushing off a Mayhem player, the elves set their sights on the Mino again... dunno why.. perhaps Jackal reasoned that they needed to free up some space or keep the beast from frenzying a player off the pitch, so off they went... after a push by one elf, remember there are no RR, Ginmice Badly Hurt the damn Bull... yea, he's a Red Bull now.  

Who knew Ginmice had it in him?  

Here comes the WarDancer blitz

only resulted in a push... oh well.. sure wish there was the other WarDancer with Strip Ball around to lend a hand.  and then the thrower thought he'd try acting all tough and got his ass put on the pitch, drooling like a whirly bird in Stunned city. AND Leaving poor DoorKnocker dangerously close to the sideline.  

Mayhem has to really get a move on to get into scoring distance.. not a whole lot of resistance other than the sidestepping WarDancer..  A blitz kncks the WarDancer down... freeing up the ball carrier...  The ball carrier with some escorts makes it to mid field... one lone beastman is deep in the center of the HOTTEST's side of the pitch., who else but Robert Palson....  As expected... poor DoorKnocker is sent off the pitch... fortunately, his mother took off her shoe and beat the bejesus out of a MAYHEM fan ... ol' Knocker was badly hurt, but he'll be okay for next week's game. Thanks mom!

This is Jackal's last hurrah....  no hope of winning, but still has a chance of holding off a Mayhem 16th turn score. Here's the field:

Looks like "all" he has to do is take down that lone beast man...  take him down or at the very least make it hard as hell for him to catch or dodge out...  Jackal surrounds the beastman with four assisting players and blitzes with Dehandar.. the only elf with Block other than the currently resting on the pitch WarDancer... 

PALSON IS DOWN!!  SCORE ONE FOR THE RED LEGS!!!   In an act of vengence for the mistreatment of DoorKnocker, Vierwrath dodges out and strikes a foul on the dirty cloven hoofed Robert Palson, Badly Hurting him.

not much left to do but hide and wait... and pray that, with no more Apoth rolls, no one gets injured.


That was probably very stupid on Jackal's part to provoke a 16th turn foul by committing one himself, especially when his oppo had no chance of scoring....  The WarDancer survived a two dice blitz... and the terrified thrower dodged and avoided a forest of boots to avoid a fouling injury and, just like that, the game was done.

TIE.  0-0 ....

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