Thursday, June 9, 2011


well, it looks like saving a blog, doesn't save the damn images: what's worse is it doesn't even tell me which is which... sheeesh.   oh my god, now it won't let me use even use this saved blog at all.  Sorry guys... I think I can repare some of this with my saved file on gmail..  but this SUCKS.


Half time starts with only one injury ... a DOUBLE-E catcher... everyone else is healthy and ready to rock and roll
HOTTEST sets up to receive.. that bumble fucker, NoneYa will not be in the backfield this time, and it sure will be nice to have a full compliment of RR's.   Slams 'Zons set up first.  I believe he called this setup three too many Mind Numb-ers....

HOTTEST set up fairly even.. preparing for any kind of terror.. like a Pitch Invasion (Slam has the FAME) or even the ever dreaded blitz.  

The kick is up... it's fairly shallow, just off the l.o.s. of the HOTTEST's right flank!  HOTTEST starts a step sooner than the Zons.. getting Quick Snap. Would you look at that, NoneYa's got a chance to redeem himself!  He moves under the ball!!


awww! He caught it!! Look how he's hugging it!!

TURN 9 HOTTESTNot sure what Jackal was thinking in the start of this turn.  His first Wardancer block was a push, but instead of going with his next WD or his other blocker,  he let bumbling NoneYa try to skill up with a quick pass to the Woodie catcher.. hurrah!! that worked!!  Then he went with the freakin' TREE...  guess who took root on the first freakin turn of the second half.. THE TREEMAN...   By this point Jackal isn't angry..  It may have been here or later on when Jackal confessed to Slam that he was happy this wasn't a TT game so Slam couldn't see him weeping.
Fortunately, the tree did at least knock down his prey, but stupidly grabbed him and pulled him behind him, on to the HOTTEST's side of pitch. After knocking down the third 'Zon lino, none of whom were even stunned, the catch ran the ball all the way back to the thrower and handed him the ball.  Whew, no failure there either.   Finally, Jackal orders Nimgros, an elf with only the skill of dodge to attempt a foul on the downed blodge lino, Sandy Fagina...  while the foul is successful, OF COURSE the ref catches Nimgros....

  all in all, probably not a bad trade off.     Not a terrible turn in the end, if you don't factor in the the freakin' Treeman taking root.  Should the Mighty Splinter somehow live to play another game, Jackal may consider not starting him in the second half against non-bashy teams at least.. but all the arrows point to bonfire night....

TURN 9 DOUBLE-EDixe Normous is still trying to get her freakin' tackle on.. She blitzes targeting one of the HOTTEST's WD, Ohtear...  she even tries a RR after getting a push/attacker down, but Ohtear survives with both down/both down and it's a block fest. Not much more the DOUBLE-E's can do this turn, but advance.  This picture is taken after HOTTEST have moved two players....  one of which had to mark Miso Honei... who was the lino foolished pulled by the Mighty Ruler Factory behind him.. still Miso needed some sweet dodges to get to where she was.  But she did  it.

TURN 10 HOTTESTJackal panics after seeing Mso Honei dodge deep into his backfield  (that sounded dirty) .. so he orders the Thrower to head to deep center field and puts a marker on either side of her, flanking deep.  Vierwrath blitzes up the center toward Pussy Galore, getting push/push.. so Jackal calls for the magic RR, and knocks her to the ptich but does  not injure or stun her in spite of V's newly acquired Mighty Blow skill.  After putting her nemisis on her back, V. runs deep into the DOUBLE-E's backfield.   Next the other HOTTEST WD, Ohtear, tries to leap out and dodge away,  but fails.. foolishly not making herself aware of where the tackler is, so that she can't use her dodge skill.  KNOCKING HER DAMN SELF OUT.. END OF TURN.  That could have been avoided.  Brain Fart: Jackal.

TURN 10DOUBLE-ESorry for the weak report of this turrn.. too much going on and it's too far in to even think about restarting the game.  Suffice to say that the DOUBLE-E's brought the kitchen sink.  Jackal was thinking if he could get the ball to his catcher, who has leap he could get things going.. using the Wood Elf speed ... but the dreaded thrower/tackler Plenty O'Tool at the very last second, with Jackal hoping the catcher had been spared.. whacks the catcher to the ground.

TURN 11 HOTTESTJackal knows he's in a real pickle... in fact he's in the final minute before he's done anything other than stand the poor catcher up next to TWO tacklers...  at the last minute, the runs down the left flank.. going for it to get within a 4+  for the pass to the deep WD, Vierwrath.   Jackal had considered having V. block the catcher off him, but all in all it wouldn't have mattered since the thrower rolled a 2 for the first attempt.. an inaccurate pass.... Jackal elected to "roll the dice" (see what i did there) and take the pass RR instead of just going with an inaccurate pass.  Tough call.. because it could bounce to the DOUBLE-E catcher who has catch, duh, but also nerves of steel. She's already failed the interception.. why give her a chance at the bounce....and second, unless it bounced to V. the turn would be over.  It was a 3+ pass...just get the ball to the WD... but the Thrower shat his britches... rolling a freaking ONE.



That was soul crushing, especially with soo many DOUBLE-E's the HOTTEST's side of the pitch and near the ball.

TURN 11DOUBLE-EHolly Goodhead starts by stunning Sorntor.  Dixie Normous follows suit, stunning the Woodie Catcher... Jackal can been heard weeping by the neighbors and he lives in a house, not an apartment.  Miso Honei adds to the pile of Wood Elves in the middle of the pitch by stunning Noneya.

Plenty O'Tool goes after the Wood Elf with sure hands, a wise choice, but is only able to push him.  She then moves over to put herself within reach of the ball.  Fook Yu Too pushes off Dehandar.  This is where Coach Slam decided to bring out the dagger.  Using Uni Brau with her ag of 5, he orders her dodge over to the ball, 

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