Friday, April 25, 2014


So, FI$T FIR$T™ goes up against Slam's Chaos Pact freaks.  Two Big Guys including a the aptly named Mr. T.  Jackal was hoping he would, indeed, pity the fool.  FI$T FIR$T™ 's coach Jackal finally saved some gold instead of putting it up his nose.  No really, He does that.  It costs half as much gold to get the damn coins removed.  Nobody knows why he does that.  Started as a kid, with crayons.   Anyway, Jackal saved enough money to add a third Blitzer to the team, Gawnuh Fistyu.

Well, I can't recall who won the FAME, but Slammer won the coin toss and elected to receive.

Jackal picked up Helmut Wulf, giving the humans a deep bench of three players.  For the kickoff, Jackal elected to sit out Manni, Pedi and Dirk Dirtdiver.  True to Jackal form, the kicker for FI$T FIR$T™ is out of position to actually use his skill, but the kick is pretty sweet anyway, and the crowd goes wild, rioting in the streets.  The Pact team does very little, stunning KnockKnock the Ogre and the blitz by Captain Crunch is wrestled down by Maxwell Mud.

Jackal is chomping at the bit to fuck up this game and uses his Chainsaw on a non skill marauder... Helmut's chainsaw kicks back, Helmut gobbles up a RR wrapper and all "using" his loner skill to suck even more... Helmut is stunned and  POOF, besides standing up the two shmucks on the LOS the human's first turn is over.  God, Jackal loves the smell of burning ReRolls in the morning, (and noon, and night too!!)

Slam KO's Maxwell "house" Mudd [let the KO count continue!!!!) 
and then Mr. T breaks FreeBirds' ribs.  Humans down 11 to 9 now, with the chainsaw dude flat on his back. Insert something into Ken's sister... wait... uhmmm.

speaking of flat on his back, so was KnockKnock until Slam pulls off a three assist foul to KO the dumb meat wagon.  Ref appeared to be taking my advice about Ken's sister.

Humans down 11-8 with no Big Guy 

Slam does a whole lot of nothing, but clears the way for a two assist foul vs Helmut "on backwards" which is Swedish for "condom inside out" Wulf .. Wulf screams because he likes it or something and the fouler is sent off.

Humans: no cas given
Refs: one send off   YAY REFS

Heldog jumps ups and stuns someone who's own mother and father don't even come to the stadium to watch.  Fuggz uses his AG4 to dodge out (nice word for run away) and assist Boy Sue ... Sue gets a push push which Jackal smoking something he likes to call a ReRoll changes to a knockdown.  big FAT WHOOP


 Billy Kid rolls a 2d block and gets double skulls.. tee hee

Slam KO's Helmut... good riddance

Boy Sue, enjoying the limelight and watching Slam get all Jackalhappy on 1d blocks crit fails a dodge, but somehow doesn't manage to injure himself.

I swear to you that there is now a fudged up congo line on the field with the players that looks like some kind of cry for help from the movie Castaway.  

dunno if you can see this or not... but it looks like they're pointing an arrow to the dumbest coach in the league!  JackalBaby!!

Slams tries another 2 Assist foul that nets fuck all and slowly lumbers his thrower into a possible scoring position... or as Ken's sister calls it... gets in or out of the car at the prison

It's Slam's turn 7 and jackal is very confused by what poses as a threat.  he succeeds in not sucking too badly and KO's a marauder and knocks down another.  Did i mention that Slam has a maraurder that was Terry Bashshaw in another life... Ag4, pass and strong arm.

Slam shows off with Cornholius Whatshisfreakin name by blitzing then dodgign out all GobTrotter style then ...YAY REFS gets a guy sent off on a successful 3 Assist foul attempt, KO'ing the AG4 human lino, Fugzz Toothdust

Jackal has six players now, four standing and, as his gfnd recently said about his can of tuna fish that he just squirted a bunch of mustard into with the tuna fish (Ken's sister joke here) WHAT THE FUCKING YUCKY

billy kid blitzes off some dude named sugar bear, then SHOCKED FACE , FAILS HIS GFI..

 I KNOW, RIGHT?  Well, Billy actually passes his RR attempt and ties up the Ag4Rotting Maraurder Cornholio Cockbird
Look, y'all.. The Jackal™ l does the best he can with what he's got (i heard that in a crazy house one time... I also heard this gem:  "she's just using that as an "escape ghost"... true stories, both of them)  and it looks like he might give Slam a run for his money to put the ball in the box. 

Nope, Captain Cuntch knocks down Billy Kid and Cornhole is open for an easy catch and score.  Still, there's always a few ones in everyone's one bag one time or oneother.  

one one one!!

nope,  perfect spiral from Fruit Brute to Cornhole and I can't remember when I ate corn, but it must've been yesterday or the day before strolls in for a score...

GUESS WHAT Y'ALL... FI$T FIR$T™  fails ALL THREE KO ROLLS!! [9-31 for the season]

I decide not to use the Bribe on Wulf since he's KO'd so I dunno if he would have passed his KO roll or not.  I figured I'd rather be able to foul with impunity the second half.

Helmut was KO's

But it's the second half of turn 8 and out comes the Manni for all seasons.  Remember, there's no RR left in the secret soup sack.

Slams gets off a beeYute of a kick... deep in the right corner.  Jackal was lucky here because the kickoff result was a Blitz, but Slam had set up deep to defend.

Pedi has to GFI to get to the ball.. success  I KNOW, RIGHT?@?!!  then picks it up. Doesn't even need his Sure Hands!

Pedi zings one to Dirtdiver (doesn't even have to use Pass)  who has to use catch to make the catch.. Dirtdiver runs it to Manni and hands it off.. Manni is ready to launch

he runs to the line of bad guys... leaps over them, and dodges into the endzone for a 1 turner burner.  SCORE!!  the leap and three GFI were completed without the "net" of a RR, but Manni does have Sure Feet

So, even though Slam executed total ball control the entire first half.  It's 1-1 at Halftime.  Ever hear the one about the Tampa Bay Bucaneer's coach John McKay during the team's first abysmal season?  He was asked what he thought about this team's execution.. he answered:  "I'm in favor of it."

So, half time, more chances to roll my KO's

GUESS WHAT Y'ALL... FI$T FIR$T™  fails ALL THREE KO ROLLS!! [That's 0-6 this game 9-34 all season]

so, Helmut is kicked off for his chainsaw... FreeBird is out for the remainder of the game with busted ribs

the Ogre, my AG4 lino and my "wrastler" are still snoozing.

thats (pauses and thinks for a moment, eyes upward to heaven, obviously in almost excruciating pain)

Fourteen, minus one, minus another, minus three more... that leaves the humans fielding NINE players... boooo

Second half:

Holy Crap.. what's that Big Fuzzy BigFoot looking thing?!~?!   It's a freakin Rat Ogre.  Apparently Cornholio is good at kicking too and he lands a sweet one on the opposite flank of the FI$T FIR$T™  "Strong Left" Set up.... Right on the freaking sideline.  It's gonna be a doozy to get in position, especially Jackal "aka Captain Shit the Bed" at the Helm.  It's gonna take pulling up his big boy pants (don't ask why they were down. You DO NOT wanna know) and just presuming Pedi can make the pick up on the sidelines.  To fall back in case of failure would be folly.  It's already 9 to 11 for Nuffle's sake.  

Roger punchmouth only gets a push on the strong side.. the LOS is a knock down and two pushes... 

Pedi, who is lined up deep on the weak flank gets to the ball, picks it up [HUZZAH!!], Goes For It and succeeds [MORE HUZZAH]

this puts him close enough for a easy pass [HUZZAH ALL OVER THE PLACE]to Dirk Dirtdiver..who makes the grab.  Dirtdiver takes the ball over and puts it in the hands of Manni.  Here's the rub... does Jackal run Manni to the endzone line and hover?  Manni doesn't have block and it looks like, with a whole tally of RR, Slam can reach the nimble catcher.  No. Better to score. Go for the sure thing and hope to recoup a few players.  Sure there's lots of time left, but why let Slam have a chance of screwing up a score.  Jackal gets Manni to the endzone without having to use the Sure Feet skills, so he crosses the goal line.  

2-1 Humans and, Lo' and Behold 2 of the 3 players awake from their KO's !! [2-9 for the game and 11-37 for those counting at home!]

Now the humans can field an 11 man team... getting back the AG4 Lino and the Ogre... the "wrastler" is still out, ogling the Pact cheerleaders, no doubt.

Slam comes out swinging, but his Mino rolls double skulls against the Ogre on the Frenzy Blitz... fortunately for Slam, the Mino doesn't 'use" his loner skill and is able to use the RR. Stunning the hapless Ogre.

Using Dauntless, FIST FIRST is able to down the Mino. Pedi, with three assist, stuns the cow, but is caught by the ref.  No biggie, we paid good coin for a Bribe.  Hmmm. Bribe didn't work. Pedi is ejected.  Yuck.

Slam pushes .  Jackal pushes back.  Jackal decides to run Manni up to the Pact thrower who's still hanging back.  Nope.  Failed dodge roll, and failed dodge skill RR and Manni is Badly Hurt.


Jackal starts to bring the pain, CAS'ing Sugar Bear and Captain Crunch.

Slams fails his second Wild Animal roll in a row for his Cow.

Jackal has a pretty bland turn until he finishes with a skull from Boy Sue. NO IDEA why he doesn't elect to use a RR with two remaining. Well, one idea.. Jackal's an idiot.

Slam has a sweet move with Cornelius.. who get up, blitzes off one human and dodges out of the TZ of another.  Plenty of opportunities and time for him to tie this one up.

What's that.. Quisp, the Dark Elf dodges into the endzone and slam lets a long bomb fly!  Wowza!
He rolls a 5.. -2 for long bomb, +1 for strong arm.. completes it to the Dark Elf for the score.!

Still some time on the clock, but without Manni and Pedi, it's gonna be tough.

Oh yea. failed the only KO .. so, 2-10 for the game, 11-38 for the season.

FI$T FIR$T™ are once again down to 9 men vs 11 for the Cereal Killers

the kick goes straight into Dirtdiver's hands. PunchMouth BREAKS Tucan Sam's neck.. the Pact Apothecary cordially offers to kill the injured player.

the humans cage up at midfield..there's a play to the right, perhaps, but the AG4 lino fails a GFI and the wind is out of the humies sails for good.

The Rat Ogre fails it's second Bone Head in a row.   the human Ogre gets a both down without block and "uses" his loner skill

not to be outdone, Slam ends the game with an attacker down.  

2-2 all on the shoulders of Manni, but Manni's failed dodge that resulted in the BH left little threat in the waning minutes of the game.

gg Slammer